Dysfunctional and outmaneuvered again
The US Senate showed exactly how dysfunctional it is yesterday. The Republican majority decided that it will not even consider any appointment to the Supreme Court made by President Obama. Essentially,...
View ArticleThe party of pointing fingers
Remember when the GOP was the party of personal responsibility? Not any more. Now, they’re the party of pointing fingers. They’re blaming everybody but themselves for the continuing bad press being...
View ArticleDo your job
I really don’t understand Republicans’ Congressional strategy. The whole country is mad at Congress for being ineffective and incompetent and they still won’t do their jobs. Instead, of announcing he’s...
View ArticleLost
The Republican Party has lost its ability govern. In states and in Washington, the GOP is passing laws hurting the people it’s supposed to serve and preventing government from functioning effectively....
View ArticleMaking the case
Yesterday, Democrats had a remarkably good day and Donald Trump had a remarkably bad one. In Philadelphia, speaker after speaker, laid into Trump as an untrustworthy con man unfit to serve as President...
View ArticleLick your wounds and get ready to fight
For Democrats and progressives, this election has been the hardest in our lifetimes. For America, it could be the most damaging. Not only is Trump singularly unqualified and polarizing, most of the...
View ArticleIt’s propaganda, not news
Back in 2009, newly elected President Barack Obama tried to exclude Fox News from White House coverage. At one point, he gave interviews to every major Sunday morning news show except Chris Wallace on...
View ArticleNow is exactly when we should talk about preventing gun violence
Contrary to the views of too many pundits, now is exactly the time to talk about gun control. We’ve awakened to the worst mass shooting in American history. At this point we don’t know much about the...
View ArticleThe party of fiscal irresponsibility and hypocrisy
The party that’s been blaming Democrats for the $20 trillion national debt caused largely by the failed policies of George W. Bush just passed a budget resolution that will add $1.5 trillion to the...
View ArticleObama 2008 was a preview, not a fluke
Following 2008, when Barack Obama won North Carolina, many Republicans and conservative pundits called the election a fluke. They believed that North Carolina is a red state that will stay that way for...
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